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Torrens Early Learning is a locally Canberra owned and operated long-day early childhood school.


We provide a high quality, long-day care program for the community - our educators provide a happy and stimulating learning environment for children from six weeks old to when they start school - enriching all who take part in our caring, welcoming and diverse community.

We are open 50 weeks per year from 7.45am to 5.45pm Monday to Friday, catering for children from 6 weeks to 5 years. 


Our Inclusions: 

Torrens ELC fees will cover all your children’s requirements while at the Centre. We provide healthy nutritious food cooked fresh daily which includes: morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snacks.

Nappies (Babylove) and formula (S-26 Gold Stages 1 & 2) are also provided. 

We incorporate free extra-curricula activities including Art, music, yoga and physical activity skills provided from external educators.


We provide a fully documented pre-school program in accordance with the Federal Governments Early Years Learning Framework and ACT Governments Every Chance to Learn curricula.


Our unique programs are provided by our qualified Early Childhood Teachers in every single room - from Babies, to Toddlers to our  junior and senior pre-school (3-5 yrs) rooms. 


In The


We are accepting wait-list applications, and on-line expressions of interest, see the next page on how to contact us. 

Music Teacher

Maureen our music teacher commences back next week - every Tuesday morning.

2022 vacancies


We are quite full at the moment, however, we are currently scheduling our January 2022 placements. 

We are here to help!

We love being a vibrant and helpful part of the community

Call us: (02) 6156 0198

Our Mission:

We are committed to upholding the rights of the child and engaging children meaningfully in experiences that promote their desire for learning and spark their curiosity.

Children will use these skills to explore an environment that includes the development of positive relationships, and nurtures their individual sense of belonging, being and becoming. 

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